Learn Embedded Systems
SPI Tutorial With PIC Microcontrollers | Serial Peripheral Interface
In this tutorial, we’ll be discussing the SPI (serial peripheral interface) bus. How it works and how to establish serial communication between 2 PIC microcontrollers via SPI
USB-TTL Converter Tutorial | PC Control For PIC Microcontrollers
In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to create a communication channel between your PC & the Microcontroller via UART serial port. We’ll be using a serial USB-To-TTL converter module as we can’t just hook the RX/TX pins to the D+/D- pins of a USB Port.
Bluetooth Module HC-05 With PIC Microcontroller Tutorial
In this tutorial, we’ll control the PIC microcontroller using a smartphone and a PC via Bluetooth module HC-05 interfacing.
UART | Serial Communication With PIC Microcontrollers Tutorial
In this tutorial, we’ll be discussing UART. You’ll get to know what is the UART serial communication protocol? How does it work? What are the typical applications for UART? We’ll also discuss in detail the process of creating the required firmware to drive the UART module in our PIC Microcontrollers
EEPROM Memory (Internal)
In this tutorial, you’ll learn what are EEPROM memories? How do they work? What are their applications? And how to interface the internal EEPROM memory within our PIC Microcontroller chip. We’ll also develop the required firmware drivers for EEPROM memory to perform Write/Read operations at any memory locations we want.
Ultrasonic Sensor HC-SR04 With PIC Microcontrollers Tutorial
in this tutorial, you’ll learn how ultrasonic sensors work, what are their applications and how to use this sort of sensors with microcontrollers. We’ll also develop the necessary firmware to interface the ultrasonic sensor and display the readings on a breadboard.