What Are Different Types Of Sensors, Classification, Their Applications?
This article will introduce you to different types of sensors and their applications. We’ll start by defining what is a sensor and sensors classification. Then we’ll discuss what are the different and possible applications for sensors. And how to choose the best sensor that fits your application or project
High-Resolution PWM Using CCP Compare And Timer Module
In this article, I’d like to introduce you to such an amazing technique that you can implement on a small 8-Bit microcontroller, which will push the hardware CCP PWM beyond its fundamental limits in terms of resolution. A 10-Bit PWM can be enhanced using this technique to reach up to 16-Bit in resolution and that’s obviously insane, especially for control systems applications when high-precision is a necessity.
Servo Motor Control With PIC Microcontrollers – PWM PT1
In this Article / Tutorial, we’ll discuss how servo motor works. And how to control servo motor with pic microcontrollers. Why it’s difficult to generate 50Hz PWM with CCP in PIC Microcontrollers. And what are the different design solutions to control servo motors with microcontrollers? This article will address the CCP/PWM solution. Other methods for controlling servos will be introduced in future articles, such as: soft PWM, NCO, PCPWM, and much more!