STM32 Sensors
STM32 LM35 Temperature Sensor Example – LM35 With STM32 ADC
In this article, we’ll create a simple project for STM32 LM35 temperature sensor interfacing with ADC. It’ll also include an LCD screen to display the temperature. You’ll also learn how to add and configure the ECUAL drivers, it was described before in a previous tutorial, but today will be another practice example to see how to build portable high-level application firmware.
STM32 Light Sensor (LDR) Interfacing – Ambient Light Sensor Project
In this LAB, we’ll create a simple STM32 project using the LDR (light dependent resistor) as a light sensor to sense the ambient light intensity and map it to a PWM duty cycle and get this signal out on an LED. So that the LED brightness increases as the surrounding gets darker.