STM32 LM35 Temperature Sensor Example Code Project Blue Pill STM32F103C8

STM32 LM35 Temperature Sensor Example – LM35 With STM32 ADC

In this article, we’ll create a simple project for STM32 LM35 temperature sensor interfacing with ADC. It’ll also include an LCD screen to display the temperature. You’ll also learn how to add and configure the ECUAL drivers, it was described before in a previous tutorial, but today will be another practice example to see how to build portable high-level application firmware.

STM32 Light Sensor Interfacing Project With LDR - STM32 Projects And Tutorials

STM32 Light Sensor (LDR) Interfacing – Ambient Light Sensor Project

In this LAB, we’ll create a simple STM32 project using the LDR (light dependent resistor) as a light sensor to sense the ambient light intensity and map it to a PWM duty cycle and get this signal out on an LED. So that the LED brightness increases as the surrounding gets darker.

STM32 UART Receive DMA Interrup Example HAL Code

How To Receive UART Serial Data With STM32 – DMA / Interrupt / Polling

In this tutorial, I’ll briefly list down the different ways to receive UART data in STM32 microcontrollers. Starting with the least efficient way which is polling for the UART peripheral received data, then we’ll see the interrupt-driven reception method which involves the CPU intervention but it’s non-blocking anyway. And lastly, and most importantly, the DMA UART receive method which doesn’t require any CPU intervention at all and can be considered the most efficient way to achieve this task.

STM32 DMA Tutorial

STM32 DMA Tutorial – Using Direct Memory Access (DMA) In STM32

In this tutorial, we’ll discuss the direct memory access unit (DMA) in STM32 microcontrollers. We’ll begin with an introduction for what is a DMA unit, when, and why to use it. Afterward, we’ll start discussing the STM32 DMA hardware, its features, and how to configure it in your projects. And some example applications that we’ll be building throughout this course.