

Electronics / Converters

In the hardware design world, a converter is known to be an electronic circuit that converts some sort of data/signal from a specific domain to another. The process of electric signal conversion and basic manipulations is said to be “Signal Conditioning” and it’s mandatory for control systems design as well as DAS/DAQ (Data Acquisition Systems). This includes, but is not limited to, the following

I/V Current To Voltage Converters
V/I Voltage To Current Converters
R/V Resistance Change To Voltage Converters
F/V Frequency To Voltage Converters
V/F Voltage To Frequency Converters
DC-DC DC To DC Voltage Converters (Step-Up and/or Step-Down)
A/D (ADC) Analog To Digital Converters
D/A (DAC) Digital To Analog Converters

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